How to Develop Sharp Business Communication Skills

Proper communication is one of the keys to being successful in business, yet it doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Whether you are a small business owner yourself or you’re working your way up the corporate ladder, consider these helpful business communication skills.

When in Doubt, Stop Talking

This may sound counterintuitive to some people, but sometimes the best way to communicate is to just be quiet. Say what you need to say, and stop talking. You might want to fill awkward silences with small talk, filler language or even incoherent rambling, but that will hurt you far more than any long pause could. Those pauses allow people to process what has been said and come up with a response, so try not to step on them.

Watch Your Tone

Sometimes what you say isn’t as important as how you say it. You want to sound confident, but you don’t want to come off as too arrogant or pushy to clients or coworkers. At the same time, you don’t want to come off as too timid or passive, either. Speak with an assertive tone, but remember to be polite and respectful.

Avoid Fillers

People tend to fill their language with “uhs” and “ums” when they get nervous or don’t always know exactly what to say right away. They might not even be aware that they are doing this. While this can be forgiven in some cases, it can make you look unsure of yourself if you don’t reign it in. Pay attention to what you are saying and try to monitor how much filler language you’re really using.

Be Direct

Whether you’re speaking to someone in person or writing an email, you should always be direct with what you want to say. A busy office is no place to give a long-winded explanation of a project or read a three-page email that can be summed up in a paragraph. You will be far more productive if you keep what you have to say short and sweet.

In many ways, business communication isn’t that different from communicating anywhere else. Remember to be direct with what you have to say, listen more than you speak, and always be respectful of others.


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